EmotionalSupportPet.com (c) 2012 - 2025
Keystone Psychological Services - Psychological Evaluation
The following exam consists of seven parts with 73 total questions that should take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. Each question MUST be answered (unless indicated as optional).
There is no time limit so PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME and provide complete answers to all questions. Evaluations lacking sufficient information will be rejected.
If a question does not apply to you please answer "No" or "None" in the appropriate field. If a required question is left blank you will not be able to submit the exam.
When finished please click the "checkout" tab which will save your exam on our server and lead you to a Payment review page. Once payment is completed please allow 2-3 business days for your test results and prescription if a diagnosis can be made.
Please note the airline rules have changed and air carriers will not accept ESA's for reservations made after March 1st 2021. Housing prescriptions will continue to be protected under the Fair Housing Act.